Thursday, April 17, 2008

Clinton and Obama Supporters Will Unite

The New York Times Op-Ed columnist, Nicholas Kristof, wrote an article, 'Divided They Fall' (click here to read more) Its main thrust is that people tend to see what they want to see and interpret data in a way that supports their preconceived notions. Fair enough. What I object to in this piece is the following: "That’s what we seem to be seeing in the Democratic primaries. Even though the policy differences between the two candidates are minimal, each camp is becoming increasingly aggravated at the other. A Washington Post poll published Wednesday found that more than one-third of Democrats say that they may not support their party’s nominee if it is not their own choice."

I have been on the streets during this campaign, serving as both an Obama precinct captain and delegate to the county Democratic Party convention. During the Nevada caucus in January 2008, I interacted with many Clinton supporters. Emotions were freely expressed on both sides. But there was nearly unanimous opinion that each side would support the ultimate Democratic Party candidate. During the county Democratic Party convention, emotions were at an even more feverish pitch. Both Clinton and Obama had been getting less civil in their statements. Yet again, all the delegates I spoke with stated that although they were passionately committed to their candidates, all will join together to support whomever is chosen. I was, quite frankly, surprised both times. Apparently, the ordinary folks volunteering untold hours of their free time are more conciliatory than some of those in the upper echelons of the campaigns.

Mr. Kristof, I suggest you interview some ordinary campaign volunteers who have spoken to their peers at the other campaigns. For while you reference a Washington Post poll that supports your viewpoint, and criticized both liberal and conservative bloggers for failing to link to blogs of differing opinions, you fell into the same trap: you failed to supply any type of information contrary to your view.

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