Friday, June 19, 2009

Jon Voight Degenerates From Actor To Hater

Jon Voight has descended from an acclaimed actor (Midnight Cowboy) to a person making dangerous, threatening statements against President Obama in a speech made to the Republican Senate-House Fundraising Dinner earlier this month.

Of particular concern to me are these Voightisms:

1. "Let’s give thanks to them for not giving up and staying the course to bring an end to this false prophet Obama."

2. "I’ll tell you why this really scares the hell out of me. Because everything Obama has recommended has turned out to be disasterous."

3. "Obama really thinks that he is a soft-spoken Julius Ceaser. He thinks he’s going to conquer the world with his soft-spoken sweet talk."

4. "We and we alone are the right frame of mind to free this nation from this Obama oppression."

5. "We can blame Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chris Dodd, George Soros, David Axelrod and their ilk for the downfall of this country."

In the interest of providing all the facts, here is the text of Voight's speech:

VOIGHT: My most pressing concern at this hour is the safety of Israel. I think Obama has no idea that Israel was built on the blood and sweat of the Jewish people. Every blade of grass, every tree, has been a successful effort because the Jewish people understanding they would have a safe homeland forever. He could not possibly understand this or he would know that the Jewish people are tried time and time again to give the Palestinians land and bring a peaceful solution. But every attempt, every attempt, was returned with violence. The Palestinians used Gaza to attack Israel. As far as I’m concerned, their only agenda is to wipe Israel off the Earth. And he reprimands the Israeli people, Obama. Like he’s a professor and they’re the school children. I was embarrassed to watch his press conference with the great war hero, Benjamin Netanyahu, who has helped keep his country safe for many years. Obama sat there with complete arrogance that he is the new American power, that he is able to dictate what he thinks is best for Israel. So how worried are we supposed to be now? Was I hearing things when he said that Iran might have the right to nuclear power? Are we supposed to be sitting and waiting, watching for the possibility of a new Holocaust? Who’s going to take the responsibility to keep Ameri — Israel safe?

I’ll tell you why this really scares the hell out of me. Because everything Obama has recommended has turned out to be disasterous. His so-called stimulus package and his budgets will leave our grandchildren with great burdens and great debts. The government is now owning car companies and banks and we’re losing job after job. Our unemployment rate is an astronomic 9.4. And of course they send out Joe Biden, one of the great double-talkers of our time, to tell us the unemployment rate is getting better. The government wants to run health care and tell people what doctors they can see. How much they can make. What cars to drive. And they’re killing off the entrepreneurs who are the backbone of our economy. It’s no wonder that the Russian newspaper Pravda, the former house organ for the former Soviet Communist regime, has said the American descent into Marxism is happening with breath-taking speed. We can blame Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chris Dodd, George Soros, David Axelrod and their ilk for the downfall of this country. It saddens me greatly to think we were the great power for good in the world. We as Americans knew America to be strong. And we were the liberators of the entire world. We are becoming a weak nation. Obama really thinks that he is a soft-spoken Julius Ceaser. He thinks he’s going to conquer the world with his soft-spoken sweet talk. And really thinks he’s going to bring all the enemies of the world into a little playground where they’ll swing each other back and forth. We and we alone are the right frame of mind to free this nation from this Obama oppression.

And let’s give thanks to all the great people like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, William Bennett, Glenn Beck, Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Prager, Michael Medved, Dennis Miller, Dick Morris, Ann Coulter, John Kasich, Michael Steele, Karl Rove, Newt Gingrich, Thomas Sowell, Victor Davis Hanson, Shelby Steele, Charles Krauthammer, Michelle Malkin, Fred Barnes and so many others. Let’s give thanks to them for not giving up and staying the course to bring an end to this false prophet Obama."

Of the five quotes I listed above, it is the first one, "Let’s give thanks to them for not giving up and staying the course to bring an end to this false prophet Obama.", that worries me the most. It states quite clearly that " end to this false prophet Obama." is what Jon Voight desperately wants. And the Republicans in the audience agreed wholeheartedly. If Voight had said, instead, that it should be the goal of the Republican Party to defeat President Obama in the next election, that would have been acceptable. That approach fits in both with our political system of peaceful change and our culture. So why did Voight choose the incendiary language he did? Does he hope that some lunatic takes his words to heart?

I could possibly excuse Voight if he misspoke because he was in the heat of the moment. But this was not the first time he had given this hate-filled speech. Earlier that day he had given an expanded version of the speech to the National Republican Congressional Committee. There is no excuse for Voight.

I heard many times during anti-Vietnam War marches from haters like Voight who would shout, "America - Love It or Leave It!" Isn't it ironic that today, those same haters wouldn't think about taking their own advice? Hypocrites.

My hope is that this speech will only serve to further marginalize the Republican right-wing and show the world what idiots reside there. Where are the Republican leaders who should be condemning the sentiments of this speech? And oh yes, did you notice that Voight failed to even extend the courtesy of referring to "President" Obama? I wonder why not???

Perhaps Voight is upset that he didn't get the role Dustin Hoffman played in "Rainman." Voight would have been a natural.


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

If that's the worst thing Voight is doing, I guess he's in pretty good shape. Don't forget what all the celebrities said about Bush like, "War Criminal," and "Muslim Hating Crusader." This is a two way street here.

thinker said...

Celebrities did not urge that an end be put to Bush himself. An end to some of Bush's policies yes, but not an end to the man.

Anonymous said...

Hey its that poser Bfoxy!!! He is back again.... LOL LOL LOL

Ken K. said...

A little over dramatic aren't we? To construe Voight's comments as some sort of "Call for the death" of Obama is a pretty far stretch even for you.

And then you are quick to dismiss Bfoxy's comment as trivial and non-existent? Never happened eh?

Celebrity rhetoric? How about a Dean of Law?

Lawrence Velvel, the Dean of the Massachusetts School of Law said about Bush: "We must insist on appropriate punishments, including, if guilt is found, the hangings visited upon top Germans and Japanese.

That's just one of hundreds of examples.

I'm sorry that your beloved hero has received something other than the sweeping praise that his cult-like followers demand, but I'm disappointed that you were so quick to completely disregard the FACT that Bush received the same (and worse) from the left.

BFoxy is right. This is a two way street here and always has been. Nothing new. Get over it.

Yeah... I just had to come outta retirement on this one. I never thought you were capable of turning a blind eye to history. It must be the Kool-aid clouding your mind. :P

thinker said...

Thank you for revealing your bias towards my opinions with your second sentence ("...a pretty far stretch even for you.")

You state that I was "...quick to dismiss Bfoxy's comment as trivial and non-existent?" Ludicrous. How could I have treated Bfoxy's comment as "...trivial and non-existent" when I gave it considerable thought and addressed it in a serious manner?

Had I opened my comment to him with "Well, Bfoxy, your opinion was a pretty far stretch even for you", then I would have agreed that I had trivialized Bfoxy's opinion.

To state that I had denied that Bush was heavily criticized (your comment - "Never happened eh?") is a simplistic, disappointing invention on your part. This week's blog was about Jon Voight's comments, not a retrospective of celebrities political views. Do I see a straw man lurking?

We will have to leave it to Bfoxy to decide if a dean of a law school falls into the category of "Celebrities" that he used in his comment. Since my blog concerned a Hollywood actor, and since it is no secret that many Hollywood actors are anti-Bush and pro-Obama and did make many statements against Bush's policies while he was in office, I believed that Bfoxy was referring to the Hollywood group as "celebrities".

The Dean's statement is inexcusable. Yet you say, "That's just one of hundreds of examples." Were those threats investigated by the Department of Justice? If not, you should provide the DOJ with the names and incidents that you said took place that were "worse" than someone calling for an end to be brought to the President himself.

Welcome back from retirement.

Anonymous said...

Bias? Who said the internets were fair and balanced?

You dramatize the phrase "bring an end to this false prophet Obama" as if Voight is talking about killing him. He's not. He just wants him out of office and wants and end to his legacy just like the left wing celebrities wanted Bush out of office. Was the DOJ called for Voight's statements? Maybe you should report them? I'm sure they'll take you very seriously.

Anonymous said...

Two things:

You said no one ever called for the end to Bush (as in calling for his death). You were proven wrong. So you did trivialize Bfoxy's comment as non-existent.

You said that Voight was calling for the death of Obama ("an end to the man") You still believe that? Really? Be Honest.

Leftwing nutcase.

thinker said...

Mt comment was that CELEBRITIES (as in Hollywood actor types like Jon Voight), had called not for an end to Bush himself, but to Bush's policies. That statement was not proven wrong.

Voight said, ""Let’s give thanks to them for not giving up and staying the course to bring an end to this false prophet Obama."

What is meant by this statement? If Voight had meant an end to President Obama's policies, instead of an end to Obama the man, why didn't he just say so?

Maybe he wasn't hoping for Obama's death. I certainly hope that he was not. Maybe Voight was so ignorant, so uncomprehending of the English language, so lacking in understanding that his words might influence others, that he did not have the mental capacity to be guilty of his misstatement.

Is that what you believe?

I will not disrespect you, as you did me, with your last line. It was beneath you.

Anonymous said...

In your reply to BFoxy's comment, you made it very clear that you meant "an end to the man" as in "the death of the man"

Now that you are being called on that, you are dancing around the subject. I did not ask what anyone else might or might not make of it... but what YOU make of it. Do YOU honestly think that Voight was calling for the death of Obama.

Yes or No. Don't play games.

Again, in your reply to BFoxy, you made it clear what you think. So why so reluctant to answer a simple yes or no now?

On a side note. Celebrities had been bashing a president for the last eight years quite regualar and viciously...and now, it's suddenly appalling and news worthy. And you have the hypocrisy to talk about BIAS in others. Please.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe he wasn't hoping for Obama's death. I certainly hope that he was not. Maybe Voight was so ignorant, so uncomprehending of the English language, so lacking in understanding that his words might influence others, that he did not have the mental capacity to be guilty of his misstatement."

Uh, Anonymous asked first, but I'll humor you anyway. Vought said it that way because it sounds more dramatic, not because he's too dumb to understand the English language. If he's calling for the death of Obama, then has the DOJ heard from you yet on these treasonous acts planned by Voight? It's a matter of national security to get this investigation underway!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh, and let's not forget, these people who Voight speaks of who he thinks will "bring an end to this false prophet Obama" are the conservative media. Last I checked, any media would be the last people to organize a militant coup. It's just poetic speech. Celebrities spouting off about a politician they don't like is nothing new. Get over it.

thinker said...

Anonymous - Consider your comments:

"In your reply to BFoxy's comment, you made it very clear that you meant "an end to the man" as in "the death of the man"

"Again, in your reply to BFoxy, you made it clear what you think."

So why are you still confused?

thinker said...


So you believe that "Voight said it that way because it sounds more dramatic..." and "It's just poetic speech."

If you're consistent in that belief, then you must excuse other celebrity comments about President Bush as "poetic speech" and merely "dramatic" as well.

It was interesting to see you move from the Voight comment to "Last I checked, any media would be the last people to organize a militant coup." Who said anything about a "militant coup"? What was it about Voight's comment that brought you to that statement?

Anonymous said...

I'm not confused. I just want you to actually say it instead of dancing around the subject yet again.

Since you are the one that wrote the article and you were the one who made the comment, I'll accept nothing more than a ONE WORD response.

One more try:

Do YOU believe Voight was calling for "the death of the man"?

A simple yes or no this time.

Yes... or... No.

Anonymous said...

Also, to quote you:

"If you're consistent in that belief, then you must excuse other celebrity comments about President Bush as "poetic speech" and merely "dramatic" as well."

Why, yes... yes I do. Of COURSE I do... only a wacko would think otherwise.

And obviously the Secret Service agrees with me, or a heck of a lot celebrities would be in jail by now.

Anonymous said...

"It was interesting to see you move from the Voight comment to "Last I checked, any media would be the last people to organize a militant coup." Who said anything about a "militant coup"? What was it about Voight's comment that brought you to that statement?"

Don't be a brick. Did you even read Voight's quote? The Voight comment was ABOUT the media and therefore my remarks about the media are ON TOPIC and actually it was your sensationalizing of his comments that made "militant coup" come to mind, not his remarks. I think the DOJ is still waiting for that call about the horrible uprising you think Voight is trying to incite. If Vought said what he said at the front gates of the White House with an armed angry mob, then we'd have a problem and I'd be with you with everything you said about point 1, but no, he said it at a dinner with a bunch of stuffy politicians. The Secret Service can tell the difference between what a threat is and what isn't so why can't you?

thinker said...


"I'll accept nothing more than a ONE WORD response."

What you'll accept doesn't interest me.

thinker said...


"The Secret Service can tell the difference between what a threat is and what isn't so why can't you?"

Thank you for assuming that I have the same background, training, experience, and resources as United States Secret Service agents.

Hint: I am not a United States Secret Service agent.

Anonymous said...


You WILL NOT say it.

Your arguments are now the meaningless ramblings of someone who will not even stand behind their own words.


Anonymous said...

"Thank you for assuming that I have the same background, training, experience, and resources as United States Secret Service agents."

Of course I don't think you have the same training as a Secret Service Agent. But I'm disappointed you don't trust their judgment considering they have all that background, training, experience, and resources that you don't.

Ken K. said...

His hole is so deep, I can barely see his eyebrows.

thinker said...


"The Secret Service can tell the difference between what a threat is and what isn't so why can't you?"

Do you even understand the accusation you made with that comment? Apparently not. If you had, you would have comprehended my reply.

Now you claim that I "... don't trust (the Secret Service's) judgment... ".

Fantasies...fantasies. Some fantasies are fun, others are just sad.

thinker said...

Ken K

"His hole is so deep, I can barely see his eyebrows."

Perhaps it's due to your lack of vision.

Ken K. said...

I'd kinda like to hear an answer to anonymous's simple question myself. He has patiently given you three chances now. Inquiring minds want to know.

You know, since I'm insane and all.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

"I'd kinda like to hear an answer to anonymous's simple question myself. He has patiently given you three chances now. Inquiring minds want to know."

He obviously doesn't and is just sensationalizing. Otherwise he would have taken his own advice and made that call.

Anonymous said...

Aww C'mon BFoxy, don't judge too soon.

Surely he's not afraid to proudly admit what he believes. That would be the act of a man with anemic convictions.

thinker said...

Ken K, Bfoxy, and anonymous

My condolences to the dead horse you continue to beat.

Anonymous said...

The person who started the discussion no longer even supports his own conclusion.

Debate is officially over.

Anonymous said...

"My condolences to the dead horse you continue to beat."

We wouldn't have to beat it if you would just stand your ground on what you believe in instead of throwing the opposite question back without answering ours.

Ken K. said...

If the "Horse" represents his stance on this subject. Then, yes, it is clearly dead.

Pronounced dead at precisely 12:43am 06-20-09