Friday, January 23, 2009

State Of New Jersey Kidnaps Three Children

In a case that seems more reminiscent of Nazi Germany than the United States, on Tuesday, January 13, New Jersey authorities removed three children from their parent's home in Hunterdon County, New Jersey. The children's names are: Adolf Hitler Campbell (age 3), his sister JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell (age 1), and other sister Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell (age 8 months). No allegations of abuse of any kind were leveled against the parents, Heath and Deborah Campbell.

You may recall the December, 2008 incident about a New Jersey store that refused to put Adolf's full name on a birthday cake. Who would have expected that it would have been a mere prelude to this outrageous act, this virtual kidnapping, by New Jersey's Department of Children and Families.

Let's cut to the chase. It was about the kid's names. Sure, the parents are idiots and cowards. They gave their children names like Adolf Hitler, Aryan Nation, and then, in an even further attempt to profess their ignorance, "Honszlynn Hinler". Honszlynn Hinler? There was the infamous Heinrich Luitpold Himmler, head of the Nazi SS during World War II. The Campbells made an interesting choice to both feminize the Nazi thug's name and then misspell it as well. They probably never heard of Eva Braun.

And if the Campbell parents love Nazis so much, why didn't they change their own names? Here are a few I found listed in Wikipedia that Heath and Deborah might like for themselves: Mengele. Bormann. von Epp. And one that is new to me, but that embodies the finest of Nazi idealism and Aryan superiority: Oskar Dirlewanger (Commanded the infamous SS-Sturmbrigade Dirlewanger unit, which was composed of amnestied Germans convicted of major crimes). Does anyone hear the Campbells scurrying to the court house for their own name changes? Me either.

Yet, as foolish as the Campbell's choices were, do they equate to abuse? No. They do not. What's next? The Official List Of Approved Names For Children Born In New Jersey? Approved Religions? Mandatory Religious Upbringing? Approved Political Viewpoints? If the state has allegations of physical or emotional abuse, let's hear them. If not, it should butt out and return the kids immediately. If the authorities insist on keeping the kids, a lawsuit must be filed and, if necessary, fast-tracked to the U.S. Supreme Court.

In reality, the children will be unmercifully teased as they grow up. Perhaps fights will be picked with them. But, once they reach legal age, they can have their names changed. If they so desire, absent parental consent, they could probably retain an attorney at an even younger age to have their names changed. Wouldn't it be poetic justice for Adolf to change his name to Martin Luther King Junior Campbell?


Wayne in Pa said...

This is indeed a strange case. The parents must be suffering some sort of mental derangement for giving their children such bizarre names. The State of New Jersey (do I dare say it??) for its gestapo like intervention.

Being close to this case (geographically speaking) does not help me understand what is going in this situation. Perhaps being this far East, close to the Atlantic Ocean, reports of numerous UFO sightings lately, SERIOUSLY, there has been a significant jump in UFO sightings, perhaps contaminated water?? Democrats seizing control of the White House??

Perhaps one or all contributed to this nom de plume situation.

Or am I just LOST??

thinker said...

The names themselves are not bizarre, rather the historical associations with the names. Why would parents do that? Names outside the Anglo-Saxon 'norm' are more and more common. I wonder how many baby boys will be named Barack this year?

UFO sightings on the rise, eh? Democrats seizing control, eh? Perhaps the UFO pilots feel safer visiting us now that the Kowboy has retreated back to his ranch.

I join you in feeling LOST, especially after this season's premiere episode of the fine ABC series, broadcast Wednesday evenings at 9 pm Eastern and Pacific, 8 pm Central. Don't you just hate product placements? And why does no one care about the Mountain Time Zone?

Wayne in Pa said...

The world is in meltdown right now.

You are correct when you point out that the names are objectionable due to historical associations, and I believe that any person(s)of reason would not name their kids after historically reviled objectionable beings.

The New Jersey Dept of Social Services that is involved with this does not have an exactly stellar track record of performance.

So here it is... wacky parents putting bizarre monikers on their children.

A wacky State of New Jersey social services agency trampling all over peoples rights.

Wacky cable news shows going berserk over this story.

There was or will be a conference held in Bucks County, Pa to look into the recent large increase in UFO sightings. Nothing to do with the Kowboy going back to his ranch. This sightings have been occuring over the last year.

There have been newborns already sporting the name of Barack.

I think there should be a law that you can only name your children based upon a selected list of names provided by the government. This would also make it easier for tracking purposes.

Or am I just LOST??

thinker said...

No. You are not LOST. The popularity of your opinion on government approved names, though, is definitely on the wane.