Friday, July 3, 2009

Governor Palin Quits. Say It Ain't So!

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin today announced that (1) She will not run for a second term as Governor of Alaska, and (2) She would resign on July 26, 2009, far short of the four year term's end in 2010.

Her announcement (speech part 1 of 2) (speech part 2 of 2) was poorly timed. The Friday before a holiday ranks amongst the lowest ratings for news. Had she sincerely wanted maximum exposure, today was not the day.

Her speech was poorly written. She began by providing a history lesson on Alaska: "We were purchased as a territory because a member of President Abe Lincoln's cabinet, William Seward, providentially saw in this great land, vast riches, beauty, strategic placement on the globe, and opportunity." Oops. Wrong President. I guess since she's only a proud Alaskan and the state's Governor, she would not know that while Seward was appointed Secretary of State by President Lincoln, it wasn't until after Lincoln's assassination, during President Andrew Johnson's administration in 1867, that Secretary Seward negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia.

She proceeded to state the accomplishments of her administration. It was an impressive list. The ones that I really cheered for were, "And we made common sense conservative choices to eliminate personal luxuries like the jet, the chef, the junkets... the entourage. And the Lt. Governor and I said "no" to our pay raises." I must say that I didn't realize that such choices were "conservative." If so, I guess I'm more conservative that I realized!

As I watched, I expected to hear her follow up with an announcement of an exploratory committee for the 2012 Presidential campaign. Or perhaps an announcement of her candidacy for Alaska's Senate seat in 2010. So when she said she was not running for reelection as Governor, it did not come as much of a surprise.

Then she became a quitter. Resigned her office. But not before making this interesting statement, "Life is too short to compromise time and resources... it may be tempting and more comfortable to just keep your head down, plod along, and appease those who demand: "Sit down and shut up", but that's the worthless, easy path; that's a quitter's way out."

So she quit rather than take the hard road - stay in her job and fight back against those who demanded that she "Sit down and shut up". Didn't show much backbone and Alaskan pluck by quitting, did she?

Well, I guess she couldn't take the heat, so she got out of the kitchen. Alaska will be better off without a Governor like that.

Her plans? "I WILL support others who seek to serve, in or out of office, for the RIGHT reasons, and I don't care what party they're in or no party at all. Inside Alaska - or Outside Alaska."

It's good that she recognized her considerable limitations. But she'll support others who have the guts to serve in ways she obviously could not.

Palin stated, "With this announcement that I am not seeking re-election... I've determined it's best to transfer the authority of governor to Lieutenant Governor Parnell; and I am willing to do so, so that this administration - with its positive agenda, its accomplishments, and its successful road to an incredible future - can continue without interruption and with great administrative and legislative success."

"And we will be in the capable hands of our Lieutenant Governor, Sean Parnell."

Interesting. During the 2008 Presidential race, she refused to temporarily turn over the responsibilities of the Governor's office to Sean Parnell. Now she will be turning over the entire Governor's office to him. What changed her mind about Parnell's ability to run the state?

Palin stated, "Let me go back to a comfortable analogy for me - sports... basketball. I use it because you're naïve if you don't see the national full-court press picking away right now:..."

If anything, the "full court press" occurred during the 2008 Presidential campaign, not now. Where has she been?

"And I know when it's time to pass the ball - for victory." Huh?

So why did I title this week's blog, "Governor Palin Quits. Say It Ain't So!"?

It seems that Palin has made a disastrous career decision that will negatively impact her chances in 2012. Had she either been re-elected Governor, or been elected Senator, her candidacy in 2012 would have been strong, and would have caused the Republican Party base to further shrink. Had she won the 2012 Republican nomination, the ensuing Palin versus Obama campaign, debates, and interviews would have been an amazing contrast of skill sets and abilities.

So I entreat, "Sarah, say it ain't so!"


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

"Oops. Wrong President. I guess since she's only a proud Alaskan and the state's Governor, she would not know that while Seward was appointed Secretary of State by President Lincoln, it wasn't until after Lincoln's assassination, during President Andrew Johnson's administration in 1867, that Secretary Seward negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia."

Actually negotiations began during Lincoln's presidency. The purchase of the largest US state wasn't just some impulse buy William Seward made in the checkout aisle of Albertson's. These things take lots of time to finalize.

thinker said...

I could find no data confirming that Seward began actual negotiations to purchase Alaska during Lincoln's administration.

However, in response to your comment, I did additional digging.

The James Buchanan Resource Center ( showed that in August of 1857 "President Buchanan discusses the purchase of Alaska with Russia's minister, Baron de Stoeckl."

This led me to the Arctic, a publication of the Arctic Institute of North America ( It had a comprehensive article entitled "Alaska Purchase Centennial: 1867-1967" by Herbert H. Rasche.

Under an article subheading "Negotiation of Purchase" was the following: "Discussions about the possible sale of Russian America were opened by Baron Stoeckl, the Czar’s Minister in Washington, in 1857."

It seems we are so indoctrinated in school by the term "Seward's Folly", that we never think that someone else might have had an even earlier interest in acquiring Alaska.

Thank you, Bfoxy, for your comment. I learned something.

Wayne in Pa said...
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Wayne in Pa said...

A possible run for President in 2012? I think most of the country had already written off Ms. Palin for higher office. Outside of Alaska, I doubt anyone cared that she resigned.

Her family does have the ability to light up the tabloids.

I hope the folks in Alaska will be
able to have a smooth transition of state government offices.

Enjoyed the historical facts.

thinker said...

I think that Palin still strikes a chord with many disaffected voters, and will still be a force in 2012. She would have been a more potent force had she not quit her governorship.

You are so right about her family. Her son-in-law that never was has said she quit in order to make money from her 'fame'. He said he overheard, during the months he lived in her home, that she commented how nice it would be to get away from the political attacks and cash in on a book deal or speaking engagements. I must defend her now. Even if she said those things, in her own home, so what?

Levi Johnston should get a life.